Recent Projects
Mayor’s Photo Contest Laguna Niguel
Excited to share I am the Grand Prize Winner of the 1st Annual “Mayor’s Photo Contest” of Laguna Niguel. My photo will be featured in our new community center off of Crown Valley Parkway. The image was taken in the Spring while the flowers were in full bloom, from the Aliso Summit Trail. Thank you Mayor Fred Minagar and to everyone that assisted with the contest.
Saturday Night Live Art Shows
Artist Brooke Harker started SNL Art Shows in March 2020 at the beginning of quarantine with the idea of filling social media with art to inspire others during a difficult time. SNL Art Shows provided artists the opportunity to continue to show their art after galleries and shows had closed. Myself, Brooke, Sheryl Benjy, and Joan Marie have taken on the role of hosts as artists from around the world join in and post their videos. Join us as we continue to post each Saturday Night and grow our SNL Art Shows Family. Watch more SNL Art Shows videos on our YouTube page.
Encouraging Visual Artists Worldwide to Go Live on Saturday Nights between 6-9PM (Your Time Zone) to share a piece of art for a couple minutes! Watch for our videos! Share art! Tell your fellow artists and art loving friends!
Check out SNL Art Shows on Facebook to be part of the community and to post your art video!
Live Painting by Khalid Alkaaby
Artist Khalid Alkaaby of San Diego demonstrates his figurative-abstract technique by painting a canvas of local artist-model Nichole McDaniel. These two artists are both featured at Laguna Beach’s Lu Martin Galleries. Alkaaby’s work captures the beauty and life of the human form. It was a treat for Art Walk participants to see this live painting take place.

Gabba Alley Project
Gabba Alley Arts District was established in early 2015 in Historic Filipinotown, Los Angeles. Curator and owner of Gabba Gallery, Jason Ostro, brings an enthusiasm and uplifting style of work to showcase for the community. Gabba Gallery’s ‘Gabba Alley Project’ has over 80 murals covering 3 alleys in the surrounding area. A recent addition to the project includes murals by 28 artists some of which are considered celebrities in the street art world.

Projection Project LA
Local Los Angeles photographer Steven Levey created this ‘LA Projection Project.’ Levey projects the artists work on various buildings in the West Hollywood area and greater Los Angeles. His creativity allows for the artist to enjoy their work on a grand scale, quite literally several stories high. This projection is captured via still photography by Levey himself.

The Brush Off
The Brush Off is a book of portraits featuring painters working in and around LA. Jeffery Sklan, a Los Angeles based photographer, hopes to “produce beautiful images while documenting this absolutely wondrous time in the City of Angels. We are riding a wave of creativity that will change the world's perception of Southern California for decades to come.”

Stage Mural
Painting an interactive mural for a non profit children’s performance in Los Angeles. The Moana set was used for a weekend and was preserved for future performances.